Thanks to a unique technology and yearly production over 2500 tons per year, La Compagnie des Pruneaux offers prune juices with or without pulp, organic and conventional.
The juice can be shipped in tanks of 25000L, aseptic drums of 210L and twist off 0,75L glass bottles.
Prune juice is to be stored in a ventilated and dry place. After opening, it should be stored between 1 and 4°C and should be consumed within three days.
Praised by the food industry, the prune juice enters in the composition of various drinks or recipes.
Trendy, the prune juice is ideal to keep our bodies in shape. Through their communication, the marketing departments of our clients inform that prune juice has multiple health benefits (Source: Plus Saine Vie). Depending on customer requests, La Compagnie des Pruneaux can produce other fruits juices.